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*736 listing
1-(star)736PAGE (ReDo).jpg

#1 - *736

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

UnderTheRadar Listing
2-under the radarPAGE(ReDo).jpg

#2 - Under the Radar

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

Burya Listing

#3 - Burya (outwiththeold,inwiththenuke)

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

Lurk Listing
4 Lurk PAGE.jpg

#4 - Lurk

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

Intevene Listing

#5 - Intervene

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

Inevitable Listing
6 InevitablePAGE.jpg

#6 - Inevitable

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

Disaster! Listing
7 Disaster!PAGE.jpg

#7 - Disaster!

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

Hit and Run Listing
8 Hit and Run PAGE.jpg

#8 - Hit and Run

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

A grim bsiness listing
9 A grim business PAGE.jpg

#9 - A Grim Business

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

10-Whats yours is mine PAGE.jpg

#10 - What's yours
is Mine(d)

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

11-industrial and complex PAGE.jpg

#11 - Industrial
and Complex

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

12-Those poor boys PAGE (ReDo).jpg

#12 - Those Poor

2022, oil on gesso board, 15x15 cm, simple black tray frame, 18x18x3.5cm. 25% of proceeds will be donated to MSF

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